Multiple-times Bestselling Books Worldwide

From Books to Communities

Lilly Lustwood, under Brightlucky Press and Abrams Publishing House, is another pen name of Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz, who is a multiple-times bestselling Transgender Romance and Feminization author on Amazon Kindle worldwide. Her readers have requested for her to create a community solely for them and other effeminate men who are seeking support, companionship, and friendship in a safe space–and that’s how Find Femboys began.

What Readers Say

Don’t take it from us, take it from these real reviews on Amazon.

“Isn’t the power of the press amazing in the right hands?”

What a truly great story. In the beginning I thought we were heading down the road by the devil wares Prada but I should have known better than to think such silliness. Another amazing story from the amazing story by Lilly Lustwood.

Kindle Customer

Book review for the title His First Skirt by Lilly Lustwood

“Great Work”

First, thank you Amanda for writing this book and telling your story. Your book is spot on and you said things that needed to be said. I enjoyed your honesty and writing style. I not only liked the way you normalized transgender love but the fact that you did is a big deal. Again, thank you for doing this. There should be no difference on how we treat the trans women in our lives from cisgender women. All trans-attracted men should read this book to understand the impact of their actions on the trans women they interact with in the world.

Douglas Bell, Author of Cakewalk

Book review for the title Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen by Amanda Valentine

“Absolutely adorable”

My pet just recently died & this REALLY helped me get through it. Realizing my puppy is still around even if not physically. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

Jason K

Book review for the title 101 Signals From Pet Heaven by Jupiterion Olympus